
  • Finite Element Fortran Program Examples
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 19. 03:54

    Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures Volume 1: Essentials M.A. Crisfield Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK Taking an engineering rather than a mathematical bias, this comprehensive book details the fundamentals of non-linear finite element analysis. The author explains how non-linear techniques can be used to solve practical problems.

    The main ideas of geometric non-linearity, continuum mechanics, plasticity, element technology and stability theory are explored in detail. The reader is also introduced to the recent research in this developing field. The computer programs in the text are available on the Internet via anonymous ftp, using the URL ftp://cc.ic.ac.uk, directory /pub/depts/aero/nonlin. These useful finite element computer programs illustrate many of the ideas considered in the book. The logic can also be followed without these finer details since these computer programs and subroutines are also represented by examples and flowcharts. The second volume will address advanced topics such as large strains and large rotations, plasticity with a range of yield criteria and hardening rules, stability theory and advanced solution procedures including branch-switching techniques, contact and friction, and non-linear dynamics. It will also include examples from an up-dated non-linear finite element computer program incorporating the advanced solution procedures.


    File:DJVU, 3.15 MBNon-linear Finite Element Analysisof Solids and StructuresVOLUME 1: ESSENTIALSNon-linear Finite Element Analysisof Solids and StructuresVOLUME 1: ESSENTIALSM. CrisfieldFEA Professor of Computational MechanicsDepartment of AeronauticsImperial College of Science, Technology and MedicineLondon, UKJOHN WILEY & SONSChichester. New York -Brisbane-Toronto. SingaporeCopyright$3 1991 by JohnWiley & Sons Ltd.Bafins Lane, ChichesterWest Sussex PO19 IUD, EnglandReprinted April 2000All rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced by any means.or transmitted, or translated into a machine languagewithout the written permission of the publisher.Other Wiley Editorial OfficesJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Avenue,New York, NY, USAJacaranda Wiley Ltd, G.P.O. Box 859, Brisbane,Queensland 4001, AustraliaJohn Wiley & Sons (Canada) Ltd, 22 Worcester Road,Rexdale, Ontario M9W 1LI, CanadaJohn Wiley & Sons (SEA) Pte Ltd, 37 Jalan Pemimpin 05-04,Block B, Union Industrial Building, Singapore 2057Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:Crisfield, M. A.Non-linear finite element analysis of solids and structures / M.

    Cm.Includes bibliographical references and index.Contents: v. Essentials.ISBN 0 471 92956 5 (v. I); 0 471 92996 4 (disk)1. Structural analysis (Engineering)-Data processing. Finiteelement method-Data processing.

    Impact Finite Element Program.IntroductionWelcome to the Impact Finite Element Program.This program was designed to be a free and SIMPLE alternative to theadvanced commercial Finite Element codes available today. The guidelineduring the development of the program has been to keep things clear andsimple in design.Impact has been designed to be easily extendible and modular to enableprogrammers a way to easy add features to the program without having toenter other parts of the code. Impact has been written in Java.

    This choiceof language may seem strange at first, but with the recent developmentof Java engines, speed penalty is not that significant. On the other hand,the Object Oriented features and the high portability of Java is a clearadvantage for the future.Impact is a Finite Element Code which is based on an Explicit Time steppingalgorithm. These kind of codes are used to simulate dynamic phenomena suchas car crashes and similar, usually involving large deformations.There are quite few explicit codes around which might seem strange since theother cousin (implicit finite element) are quite common. The implicit codesare used to simulate static loads in structures. Something that explicit codesdoes not manage very well.Impact is written in JavaImpact is written in Java for two reasons:1. Java is an Object Oriented language and that suits Finite Element Programming perfectly2.

    Java is clean, simple and extremely portable.On the other hand, Java might seem like a strange choice since this is a high performance number crunching type of software and Java is not known to be competitive to ex. Fortran or C in this area.True, it is slower but with the new interpreters from IBM and Sun, the built in runtime compiling actually gets the speed up quite a bit so this is not such an issue after all.Contributors to ImpactJonas Forssell-Development-DevelopmentNikolay Skiba-DevelopmentGalina Golovko-DevelopmentBernhard Haumacher-ParallellisationClaus Wonnemann-ParallellisationRuediger Heim-Interface development 1:st generationWaluyo Adi Siswanto-GiD Interface developmentKjell Mattisson-Scientific advisorApplicationAt the moment, Impact can only handle dynamic INCOMPRESSIBLE problems. Examplesof problems with this kind of limitation is basically most real world dynamicproblems.

    The following is a list of problems that Impact will be able to solvein the future. Collisions of any type. Forming operations. Dynamic events such as chassis movement etc.Theoretical baseThe explicit code is based on the simple formula of F=M.A where F represents a force, M is the mass of a body and A is the resulting acceleration of that body.All the code does is to calculate the acceleration for the body, use a small step in time to translate this acceleration into a little displacement of the body. This displacement is then used to calculate a responding force since the body is elastic and can be stretched (thus creating a reaction force).

    This force is then used to calculate an acceleration and then the process is repeated again from the beginning.As long as the timestep is sufficiently small, the results are accurate.Literature of InterestThere are a large number of books available on Finite Element Theory. Most ofthem describe Finite Element from a static point of view and is therefore oflimited interest to the potential Impact programmer.On the other hand, the theory of element formulation is often usable to alarge extent and having that in mind, here are a few proposals:.

    Finite Element Fortran Program Examples

    Concepts And Applications Of Finite Element Analysis, Third edition -Robert D. Cook, David S. Malkus, Michael E. Plesha, ISBN 0-471-84788-7. The Finite Element Method - Linear Static and Dynamic Finite ElementAnalysis - Thomas J.

    Hughes, ISBN 0-484-41181-8. Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures - Ted Belytschko,Wing Kam Liu, Brian Moran.

    ISBN 0-471-98773-5The first book is recommended to beginners and engineers in generalsince it deals with most issues from a linear algebra perspective. Thismakes the code writing quite close to the Impact format. It is also a verygood book and the one I have had best feedback from.Ted Belytschko's book is the 'bible' in this field. The man behindexplicit codes have finally written a compendium on the theory and someprinciple algorithms are also shown. However, for an engineers perspective,this book is quite deep in its places and is more suitable as a referencethan as a learning book for beginners.There are also some papers written which are of interest:. Explicit Algorithms For The Nonlinear Dynamics Of Shells - TedBelytchko, Jerry I. Lin, Chen-Shyh Tsay, Computer methods in appliedmechanics and engineering 42 (1984), page 225-251.

    Finite Element Code

    An Explicit Formulation For An Efficient Triangular Plate-BendingElement - Jean-Louis Batoz, International journal for numerical methods inengineering, Vol. 18, page 1077-1089 (1982)These papers form the basis of coming shell element extension to Impact.To understand the concept behind object orientation, inheritance etc, thefollowing book is a pleasure to read:. Thinking in Java - Burce Eckel, ISBN 0-13-027363-5; The book is alsoavailable for free download at: is a Java program which means that there is no compilation ofsourcecode or similar to be done. However, there are some programs you need toinstall to be able to run Impact and to see the results.Start by downloading the program files of impact fromThe file is a Impact-XXXX.zip file and must be untarred using the commandtar -xvf Impact-XXXX.zip if you are running Linux.

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